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Showing articles from Compass tag

What's New in Compass?

What’s New in Compass? 1/31/2025 * All Tabs -  We updated the methodology of how we handle jobs that post multiple locations on the same job posting. Previous we broke multiple location jobs out and counted each location as a distinct job posting. Now, for our aggregated metrics and KPIs, we use just one record …

LinkUp Compass Product User Guide

LinkUp Compass User Guide Download Table of Contents LinkUp Compass: An Introduction Compass Overview * Product Timeline * Reference Links Toolkit Breakdown * Overview Company * Detail Occupation Detail * Comparison * Subsidiary Details * U.S. Geography * Global Geography * Skills * Salary * Job Listi…

Macro Compass Product User Guide

Macro Compass Product User Guide Download Table of Contents LinkUp Compass: An Introduction Macro Data Package Overview * Product Timeline Toolkit Breakdown * U.S. Macro Data Overview * Forecasts * Data Extraction * Data Anomalies

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